Thursday, December 13, 2012

Little Caesars

The Facts:

Pizza: Little Caesars
Business Category: National Chain
Location: 4375 Lexington Rd. in Athens, GA (beside Wal-Mart on the east side)
Date of Review Visit: November 18, 2012
What I Ordered: Large (14’’) Hot ‘n Ready pepperoni pizza, Crazy Bread, and Crazy Sauce
Price: $8.01

The Micro:

Crust: The crust has no real character, not real crispy and not real chewy.  Some corn meal baked into the bottom adds a little taste.  Overall, the crust is nothing to brag about, but it is not the real weakness of this pizza either.  Score: 4/10.

Sauce: What sauce?  The pizza is somewhat under-sauced, but what sauce there is has little texture and is over-spiced.  Even the Crazy Sauce had these qualities, and it came so cold that I had to microwave it to make it suitable for dipping.  Needless to say, not good.  Score: 2/10.

Cheese: What cheese?  The pizza is rather severely under-cheesed, and what cheese there is has little taste and much grease.  Even the Crazy bread is under-cheesed; very bad.  Score: 1/10.

Toppings: What toppings? (OK, this joke is getting old.) Truth be told, there is a fair amount of pepperoni here, and the taste is not that bad: a little spicy but not overly spicy.  Still, the pepperoni slices are thin, and the meat is low quality with high fat content.  Score: 5/10.

The Macro:

Appearance/Atmosphere/Service: The pizza looks like a frozen Red Baron pizza that came out of my oven; that’s not a complement.  On the bright side, I have never had an issue with the service.  Score: 3/10.

Value: ...and now we finally arrive at the somewhat redeeming quality of this pizza.  Some people might say that pizza this bad should not be sold at any price, but others will say that poison can be sold if the price is cheap enough.  You can barely eat at Wendy’s for $5 these days, and here you get an entire large pizza.  I can dig this deal, on occasion at least.  Score: 9/10

Taste: I have to admit that I have eaten worse-tasting pizza than this, and most of it costs more than $5.  The pepperoni and crust save what would otherwise be a disaster.  Score: 10/20

The Final Judgment

If you are trying to feed a large group for small money, then this is a passable option.  If you are giving yourself a steady diet of this pizza, you need to elevate your standards.  Score: 34/80

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