Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jack's Pizza in Indianapolis, IN

The Facts:

Pizza: Jack’s Pizza
Business Category: Regional Chain (11 locations, all near Indianapolis, IN)
Location: 86th St. and Michigan Ave. in northwest Indianapolis
Date of Review Visit: June 13, 2015
What I Ordered: Small (10”) pizza with sausage and pepperoni
Price: $10.34 (includes tax but not drink)

The Micro:

Crust: Jack’s Pizza has an odd crust: it is thin and crispy but not too thin.  The crust is ¼ to ½ inch thick under the entire pizza.  The crust is loaded edge to edge with toppings, and my pizza was baked just the right amount.  This crust is different, but I like it.  Score: 9/10.

Sauce: I didn’t notice the sauce much, but not because the pizza is undersauced.  Rather the sauce blends in very well with the rest of pizza.  When I did specifically put my tongue on the sauce, it had a yummy tomato-y taste that was not the least bit overspiced.  This sauce is very good.  Score: 9/10.

Cheese: The cheese appears in great quantity and produces almost no grease.  The cheese tastes like good quality mozzarella or provolone.  Sometimes I would downgrade for using only 1 type of cheese but not when they include this much of it.  Excellent!  Score: 10/10.

Toppings: Both meats are a little spicy but neither is overspiced.  I could still taste the meat over the spice.  They appear in good quantity also.  What’s not to like?  Score: 10/10.

The Macro:

Appearance/Atmosphere/Service: The abundant plain white cheese dominates the pizza’s appearance.  The jacks (the metal kids toy) printed on the front of the box are an odd touch.  The location I visited has no dining area, and it does not even have a place to sit while they are making your pizza.  This is the first time I have been forced to stand while my pizza was baking (after I had already been hiking all day), and that inconvenience leads to a deduction.  The service was prompt and fine.  Score: 8/10.

Value: Jack’s makes good quality pizza.  The price is high (remember that no drink is included in the price I posted above), but it is nowhere near the most expensive pizza around.  Thus, the price/quality ratio grades out pretty well.  Score: 8/10.

Taste: All of the parts are very good, but then they sprinkle some extra herbs over the cheese.  As a result, you taste only the herbs at first.  The extra herbs tend to wear on your palette until you get used to them, and only then do you start tasting the rest of the pizza.  The overall taste would be far better with fewer extra herbs.  Score: 16/20.

The Final Judgment:

Congratulations Indianapolis! You have a 70+ rated pizza that is among the best I have had anywhere.  Stop here and enjoy it often.  Score: 70/80.

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