Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tommy K’s Pizza and Pub in Manchester, NH

The Facts:

Pizza: Tommy K’s Pizza and Pub
Business Category: Locally-owned
Location: 2323 Brown Ave. in Manchester, NH (just south of I-293, exit 3)
Date of Review Visit: August 8, 2015
What I Ordered: Small (10”) pizza with sausage and pepperoni
Price: $9.21 (includes tax but not drink)

The Micro:

Crust: Tommy K’s makes pizza with the typical northern-style pan crust.  The crust has a good texture, which is crunchy on the outside but chewy on the inside.  The crust’s strong salty taste brings the score down somewhat, but this is still an above average crust.  Score: 7/10.

Sauce: The sauce is applied with good quantity, and it has nice tomato-ey taste.  On my taste palette, this sauce is very good.  Score: 10/10.

Cheese: The cheese tastes and looks like 100% mozzarella, but it produces too much grease for good quality cheese.  On the bright side, the cheese appears in good quantity.  Score: 7/10.

Toppings: The sausage is down right terrible: it is charred and tastes like biting into a salt keg.  The pepperoni is a little better: it has some spiciness and good thickness.  The quantity of both toppings is slightly better than average.  Score: 5/10.

The Macro:

Appearance/Atmosphere/Service: The pizza’s appearance is OK except for the charred sausage.  The dining room has a bar-like atmosphere, which may appeal to some people but is not to my liking.  As you might expect for a bar, the service was somewhat informal and disorganized.  Score: 5/10.

Value: The price is low, but the quality is not great.  Thus, the value metric only grades out slightly better than average.  Score: 6/10.

Taste: The salty taste of the crust, cheese, and sausage really dominates this pizza.  I tasted too much salt for this pizza to earn a high score on the taste metric.  Score: 14/20.

The Final Judgment:

Tommy K’s makes a passable pizza, but the taste is as salty at Pizza Hut, which is a difficult feat to accomplish.  This pizza has too much salt for me to recommend it.  Score: 54/80.

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